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Writer's pictureMegan Madramootoo

Now I Can Catch Up.

It's been a while since I last blogged here-- forgive me. I've been teaching, figuring out what to do with my last blog, applying for PhD programs, and of course, being a mom to five children.

Anywaaaayyyyyy, I've taken my GREs, I'm now awaiting decisions from these PhD programs, and I am about to finish my semester early next month. Now I can breathe...and continue writing this blog on a consistent basis and looking for my lit agent.

An aquaintance I met almost a year ago just shared with me that her narrative nonfictional piece was just accepted for publication. I'll admit, I was a teensy-bit jealous, but I had to get on my knees and pray that God take away any jealous spirit that sill remains inside of me. I told her congratulations (which I truly meant), for it is a GREAT accomplishment to reach a publishing deal.

MONUMENTAL, actually...but I remain "un-jealous" (at least, for the most part). Smile.

I told her to please keep me updated, for her story's synopsis was very interesting to me and I know she'll do well. Her name is Connie Matsumoto and her website is Please look out for her book Of White Ashes, set to be released early of next year 2023.

And even though it's not my accomplishment, I now feel as if my own is coming soon since it came to Connie. My agent is getting closer, and he/she is about to meet my aquaintance. In the meantime, I will continue querying agents, finish teaching my English 101 students, and will commit to blogging on a regular schedule so I can find (and maintain) my professionalism.

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