So. I'm trying to finish this memoir by the end of the year--and yeah, I know, WE ARE at the end at just three days before the official start of 2020-- so I guess it's safe to say that I WILL NOT be finished. But, then again, if I went at the pace I was going while I was in grad school, I very well could throw out enough words to make up at least three more essays which would get me to the goal line even faster.
That being said, I have about six more essays to write before I can call this a completed project. And by "completed," I mean, the initial "shit" is all put down and ready for me to take a closer look at as I revise, edit, and re-revise. That's the fun part--finally able to sit down with a tall glass of Merlot as I make sense of the crappy mess I first laid down on paper.
But, for the here and now, I gotta refocus and get back to my writing. I'll be honest, it's kind of challenging right now as I really just want to get this work-in-progress done soon so that I can finally move past this chapter in life and onto better things. It's kind of one of those things that I look forward to moving past because it's been well over due.